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question time造句

"question time"是什么意思  
  • Just thinking out loud . thinking out loud . - question time
  • - just thinking out loud . thinking out loud . - question time
  • Question time : reptiles
  • Question time : rainforest
  • Governor s question time
  • Question time : sharks
  • Question time : birds
  • Where 10 oral questions are to be asked at a meeting , the duration of question time shall be not more than two and a half hours
  • Where 10 oral questions are to be asked at a meeting , the duration of question time shall be not more than two and a half hours
  • Mr chairman , perhaps before question time , we may invite the director of the beijing office to brief members about the work of his office
  • It's difficult to see question time in a sentence. 用question time造句挺难的
  • Mr chairman , perhaps before question time , we may invite the director of the beijing office to brief members about the work of his office
  • With regard to clearance time , which has been mentioned in legco during question time and security panel , the immigration department suggested relief measures as follows
  • After question time in the house of assembly , national mp karlene maywald said she thought she was being polite by including the word please while asking a question about water restrictions
  • At prime minister ' s question time , he said there was " entirely understandable fear " in the community and said all mps would want to send their sympathy to the people of suffolk and the relatives of the victims
  • This movement has hit the headlines recently for it s high profile stunts including scaling buckingham palace , downing street and throwing purple powder at tony blair during question time in the house of commons
  • In the final question time , with great interest to microsoft research asia and microsoft research , many students put questions to them about employment and so on and the emcee had to restrict the number of students who quizzed
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